Monday 15 October 2012

Representation Theory.

The media represents the world to us. They show us how things actually are as well as how they should be. The main representations we study in media studies include:

  • Femininity
  • Masculinity 
  • Sexuality 
  • Social Class
  • Race and Ethnicity 
  • National Identity 
  • Age
Hegemonic Cultural Stereotyping

This theory suggests that the media reinforces and circulates traditional and old fashioned representations. They then represent them to audiences as common sense eg. men and woman should behave in a certain way.

Masculinity - Eg. Bruce Willis in Die Hard. He's muscular, saves those in trouble, tough, good guy fighting evil.

Femininity - Mary Jane in Spiderman. Weak character that needs to be rescued as she is in danger. 

Sexuality - Graham Norton. Very camp television presenter. 

Race and Ethnicity - Ali G (exaggerated Asian stereotype)

Age - Grandad in Only Fools and Horses.

National Identity - West is West. Father takes son to Pakistan as he feels he has lost connection with his culture. 

Social Class - Hugh Grant as the middle class twit in Notting Hill.

Although these are characters we enjoy to watch, hegemonic stereotyping can lead to passive consumption. Eg. Young boys thinking they should act like Bruce Willis. 

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