Friday 5 October 2012

Analysing a Trailer.


Genre: There are many representations of iconography that suggest aspects of horror.

Narrative: There are stereotypical characters such as the dumb blonde, the wander etc. 

Vulnerable woman needing protection.

Target Audience: Would have to know the aspects of slasher/horror films in order to find it amusing.

Music: Non- diagetic music creates tension.

Contrapuntal - introduces the comedic side of the film. This highlights their unique selling point as well as the hybrid genre (horror/comedy) 

Shot Types: The establing shot is a high angle bird's eye view of a deserted road - this creates a mysterious atmosphere. We are unaware of where that road leads too but we know that we are about to embark on a adventure. 

Dialogue: "Did you see the way those guys looked at us?" - supports Mulvey's theory that men see woman as sexual objects.

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