Tuesday 12 March 2013

Hello my name is Britney Bailey and welcome to my media blog. Here you will find my final media products as well as the production, research and planning stages.

Friday 15 February 2013

Audience Feedback

Our trailer was uploaded onto the Film's Cool Facebook page which gave us a form of promotion as well as feedback via the comment section. Receiving feedback was very beneficial as one comment could have an effect on the final outcome of our trailer. We were given a mixture of both positive and suggestive feedback. They commented on the sound, pace, story line, music etc. The feedback was constructive and we plan to take each comment into consideration as we lean towards our final edit of our trailer.

Monday 11 February 2013

Final Film Magazine Cover

This is the final edit of our magazine front cover. Our target audience are aged between 16 - 25. We wanted to have two covers that target to our younger teen audience and our audience in their mid 20s.

Friday 8 February 2013

End Credits

At the end of a trailer is it very common that there is end title/credits screen. This screen tells the audience the key dates and information in relation to the film. This includes the release date, websites and web addresses which will give them more info. We also added the logos of our sponsors, distributors and production company.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Distributor Logo

Using Photoshop we were able to create this distribution logo. ABS stands for 'Achland Burghley School' we chose this name as this is where our trailer came to life.

Production Logo Change

After receiving some feedback about our trailer. We were told that it would be best to change our production logo to look more 'horrory'. Due to its horror look it makes the company appear like their specialist areas are horror films.  On of the main connotations of horror is blood, this is why we have incorporate it into our logo. We are now happy to use this as our final production logo for our trailer.

Thursday 17 January 2013


The British Board of Film Classification must give every film a certificate before it is screened in cinemas. The certificate states what age group can see the film. Using Photoshop I able to create a rating certificate using a template found on google.

When realising DVDs they often change the classification to be more strict due to having easier  access when at home.

Monday 7 January 2013

Target Audience

Having a target audience is the most beneficial element to a production as they are who you want to go and see your film. Target audiences can range from class, age, gender etc. We have decided that our main target audience would be teenagers aged 15-24. This is due to the fact that our trailer features people within that age group and viewers may feel a connection with them in some shape or form.  Films under this category means they contain strong language, scenes of a sexual nature, violence etc

Production Logo First Draft

This is the first draft of our production logo that was made in Photoshop. I believe its simplicity makes it look quite effective. However, it still could do with a bit more work. Such as making productions stand out more amongst the larger text. We plan to experiment more with the logo and hope to create a "horrory" effect. To do this we will play around with different fonts, effects and positioning. We chose to name our production company 'Aperture' due to it's feature on our camera.

Evidence of Propp's Theory

Sinister (2012)

Hero - The dad. He is on a quest to save his family and his daughter from the villain.

Villain - Bagul. He is the antagonist causing a threat to the family.

Donor - The man giving information to the dad about Bagul via video chat.

Princess - The daughter. She has been possessed by Bagul and is the most vulnerable of the cast. 

Song Change

After attempting to plan and structure ideas for our trailer. My group and I began to thought that nothing made sense and that it wasn't "horrory" enough. Which made us choose a different song to base our production on.


Analysing Lyrics


Audio Manipulation


Friday 4 January 2013


A romantic evening on the heath turns into a blood bath horror.   A couple decides to have a picnic to celebrate their 1st anniversary. Whilst there, Michael realises that he forgot something and asks Amanda to wait while he runs to the shops. As he leaves he sees a gang of hoodies enter the park.  
Left alone Amanda begins to feel on edge as she sees a group of youths in the distance. Time gets on and she decides to call Michael as it begins to get dark.

She then decides to put her phone away as they begin to draw closer to her. One of the boy-the leader approaches her attempting to chat her up as she tries to brush him another swoops in and tries to grab her back she begins to feel paralysed by a state of panic the rest of them come and surround her and attack her. With one brutal kick she falls to the floor.

He rings her to tell her that he is coming back but she doesn't answer the he tries again a couple more times but there is till no reply.  Thinking that her phone is on silent he begins to worry. As he comes into the park he sees the same group of youths leaving. He then sees her I the distance. He rushes over and finds her body left there in the park she gets rushed to hospital but later is pronounces dead. There is a big investigation and they gang are called in to court however there is not enough evidence and they get away with it.

A year later after things have cleared up he decided that it is time for revenge as he saw that they had done nothing to deserve this. His plan is to hunt all the people down and kill them one by one to get the justice deserved

Film School Session - Makeup Academy

I was unable to attend this session but my group member Zandile went ahead to represent our group. She told us it was a great experience to visit the makeup academy and she learnt some makeup tips and tricks from Christine as well as her students.



SIMON and KATE are seen kicking through the crisp autumn leaves on the heath floor. They then reach out to hold each other’s hands, in Simon’s other hand he is holding a picnic basket. Both are wrapped up for the cold autumn weather, Kate is wearing a bright yellow/mustard coloured scarf.

(Shot from a distance, so they are walking towards the camera. There are also a shot reverse shot as well as low angle shots showing their feet and leaves)

KATE:  “Honestly Si, who goes on picnics in this weather? It’s freezing”

SIMON: “You’re gunna have a great day, promise”

They smile at each other and carry on walking. On their journey to find their picnic spot, they walk past a group of youths. One of them winks at Kate, who then looks back at them nervously.

(Shot from behind them. There is a tracking shot to show the members of the group. And a mid shot of DEAN when he winks)

SIMON & KATE: “Cheers”

(Close up shot of their glasses clinging together. There is also a two shot of them seen from the perspective of someone hiding in the bushes.)

After a few minutes Kate is alone.

DEAN: “You alright love? How can your boyfriend leave a pretty girl like you by herself?”

The rest of the group emerges from the bushes and Kate is surrounded.

SIMON: “Kate! Kate! What’s happened?!”


(Zoom in shot of Whittington Hospital window. Followed by a heart rate monitor, there is a long beeping sound to signify her death.)



A range of tracking/close up/ and over the shoulder shots showing newspaper clippings and cctv type photos of the gang that attacked his girlfriend.

He looks over towards his night table and sees a framed photograph of his girlfriend. He turns around and then puts a mask/balaclava on. (Match on action) 

“I’m doing this for you Kate”


He spots Dean outside his estate, isolated from the other members of the group. Simon walks past him.

DEAN: “Do you have a lighter mate?”

SIMON: “Yeah”

Simon pulls out a knife and stabs Dean repeatedly in the stomach.  


Using a red marker, he draws a cross on Dean’s face. He them removes his mask - (cuts/fade to black)


KELLY: Have any of you lot seen Dean? It’s like he’s disappeared


Simon takes a photo of Kelly off his wall and grabs his mask.


KELLY: “No! No! Please, I’m really sorry for beating up your girlfriend”

SIMON: “Saying sorry isn’t gunna bring her back”

He slits her throat and she falls to the floor.


One by one he draws crosses on the photos of the gang. Each followed by quick paced shots such as:

-   A close up shot of the blade in his hand as it hangs by his side.

-   Using the inside of his jumper he wipes the blade clean.

-   His mask.

-   Members of the gang running through the trees.

-   One of them tripping over.

-   Him standing above one of them.

-   One of the members attempt to get up after being stabbed.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Film School Session - Digital Strategy

In this session we were visited by Brendan Nelson, who taught us the importance of digital strategy. To have a strategy means to have a plan of action on what to do in order for things to run smoothly and in this case, digitally. Using Brendan's advice we were able to come up with ways to promote and market our film by having a digital strategy.

Audience -  Who will watch? Who to engage? Where?

Hooks - Theme? Cast, location, genre? Source material?

Assests - Trailers

Character Profile - Kate

Character Profile - Simon

Character Profile - Kelly

A slightly aggressive teen who has recently dropped out of school due to her bad grades and poor behaviour. She lives on the local estate with her mother. She has little respect for adults, whether it be the police or her mum. Her overall look and presence is quite chavy. It consists of a slicked back ponytail, tacky jewellery and tracksuits. However, if you call her a chav she tends to be really offended. She hides behind her brave face and bad attitude to mask the struggles in her personal life. Her mother is jobless and an alcoholic and is unaware of who her father is. She lies to her friends about her home life as she does not want to be judged. Due to her dysfunctional background, Kelly always feels alone. She got in with a bad crowd of people. The type that'll steal from someone because they think it's funny. The type that are also school drop outs like her. Her closest friend is Dean, who she has recently started to like more than a friend. One thing she hates is to see Dean flirting with other girls in front of her. This is why she rages at Kate after seeing Dean talking and winking at her.

Company Logo